Nellie Bloom

Nature has already provided everything we need; we just have to open our eyes and hearts to the abundance around us

About Nellie Bloom

Nellie Bloom Cover Page
Nellie Bloom Cover Page

Hello, my name is Ashley, and I am the creator of Nellie Bloom. This platform was born from my personal journey to embrace a more holistic and natural lifestyle. My hope is that my story inspires and educates you as you navigate your own path to well-being.

My Journey

Eight years ago, I found myself starting each day by taking four pills with my morning coffee and ending the day with three more just to fall asleep. At the time, my diet, which was more fitting for a teenager than an adult, was contributing to my declining health. I was struggling with fatigue, sickness, and an additional 80 pounds. Consequently, my medicine cabinet was stocked with every over-the-counter medication imaginable.

However, this blog is not about fitness routines or recipes. Rather, it is about breaking free from the cycles of conventional Western medicine and the food industry, which often perpetuate our ailments.

What You’ll Find Here

On this blog, I will cover a variety of topics, including:

  • Growing your own food
  • Identifying toxic ingredients in foods and exploring safer alternatives
  • An in-depth exploration of herbs, vegetables, and fruits
  • Natural home remedies
  • Canning and preserving techniques

The Turning Point

Though I can’t recall the exact date, I vividly remember my first visit to a new doctor. As he reviewed my extensive list of daily medications, I thought to myself, Is this normal? At 28 years old, I was taking seven daily prescriptions and carrying 80 extra pounds. Feeling overwhelmed, I knew something had to change. I couldn’t continue living this way.

Eight Years Later

Today, I am proud to say that I no longer take any daily medications. With the guidance of my doctor, I made a transition to a more natural lifestyle. In fact, I haven’t used over-the-counter medications in nearly two years. I’ve embraced home remedies and returned to traditional methods of healing. As a result, the changes have been life-changing, and I’ve never felt better.

This blog is a space where I share the insights I’ve gained on my journey toward a life free from dependency on Western medicine and processed foods. For my family, we reserve Western medicine for emergencies, but we’ve chosen to break free from the “stay sick” cycle. In fact, my best friend and I have even started a small business centered around creating our own home remedies—more on that coming soon!

My Hope for You

I created this blog with the intention of inspiring, educating, and empowering others. As I continue on this journey, I am excited to share my progress and the things I learn. While I’ve come a long way, I still have much to discover.

In closing, I’ll leave you with this: Nature has already provided everything we need. All we have to do is open our eyes and hearts to the abundance surrounding us.


Please note that I was under the care of a licensed physician during my transition off all medications. I strongly recommend consulting with your doctor before making any changes to your own medication regimen. This blog is not intended as medical advice but as a source of education and inspiration based on my personal experience. You are ultimately responsible for your own health and decisions.
